Designing for Friction

Designing for Friction

As we've discussed, the perception of speed is just as important as the technical speed of your website or application. One powerful way to manage user expectations and enhance their experience is through the strategic use of friction and distractions. Let's explore some effective techniques you can leverage.

Leveraging Loading Screens and Animations

Loading screens and animations can be powerful tools to create the illusion of speed and maintain user engagement, even if the underlying technical performance is not optimal.

Step 1: Avoid Blank Screens

Blank screens are the worst thing you can do. They leave users with no indication of what's happening, which can lead to frustration and abandonment. Instead, always provide some visual feedback to assure users that the system is working.

Step 2: Experiment with Skeleton Screens

Skeleton screens, where content is gradually revealed rather than a sudden mass-loading, can create a sense of progress and engagement. However, be mindful of the implementation - using plain gray boxes can feel broken, so consider including metadata or low-quality previews to provide context.

Step 3: Leverage Staggered Animations

Staggering the animation of elements, starting slowly and building up, can create the perception of faster loading. This is a powerful technique to distract users and manage their expectations.

Step 4: Utilize Preloading and Progressive Enhancement

Preloading critical assets and using progressive enhancement to gradually improve the quality of content can help create a smooth and responsive experience, even on slower connections. [Diagram to be made of progressive enhancement]

Introducing Deliberate Distractions

In addition to loading screens and animations, you can introduce deliberate distractions to keep users engaged and manage their perception of speed.

  • Ambient Feedback: Provide subtle visual or auditory cues, like the "ripple" effect in Material Design, to acknowledge user interactions and assure them that the system is responding.
  • Contextual Micro-interactions: Implement small, delightful interactions that engage the user and draw their attention, such as the Trivago game example shared earlier.
  • Passive Engagement: Offer optional, non-critical content or activities that users can engage with while waiting for the main content to load, like the hand sanitizer and music in the slow elevator story.

Remember, the key is to reframe the problem and focus on the user's perception, not just the technical speed. By strategically introducing friction and distractions, you can create a more engaging and satisfying experience, even in the face of performance challenges.

For more inspiration and guidance on designing for friction, be sure to check out the Houston Airport Story and the Slow Elevator Story discussed earlier in the presentation.